Pascha's Commitment To You
Pascha is committed to helping families through all life transitions. Pascha is excited to use her law degree in innovative ways to guide individuals and families through engagement, marriage, separation or divorce. Pascha will keep your matter private, out of court and family-focused.
Key Values

Memberships and Certifications
International Association of Collaborative Professionals (IACP) https://www.collaborativepractice.com/
Santa Cruz Divorce Solutions: https://www.santacruzdivorcesolutions.com/
Association of Certified Family Law Specialists (ACFLS) https://www.acfls.org/
Santa Cruz County Bar Association (SCCBA) http://www.santacruzbar.org/
Family Law Bar of Santa Cruz County http://www.santacruzbar.org/family-law-group/
Pascha has been a licensed attorney in California since 1996, practicing exclusively Family Law for nearly 30 years. About 20 years ago, Pascha took and passed an additional exam with the State Bar receiving the status of a Certified Family Law Specialist. Practicing Family Law and helping families through what is very often a difficult transition is Pascha's specialty and passion.
Pascha began her practice in the late 1990's as a family law litigator, representing hundreds of clients in complex divorce cases in the courtroom. Through her experience in the courtroom, it became clear to Pascha that the vast majority of family law cases could be resolved outside of court, saving separating couples and families the financial and emotional hardships of courtroom litigation.
Over 15 years ago, Pascha shifted away from her courtroom practice and began to focus her professional attention on family law mediation and then collaborative practice. Both of these models keep families out of court and promote cooperation, integrity, and maintain a focus on the best interests of the children. Pascha has expanded her practice to assisting engaged couples in creating meaningful premarital agreements and married couples in re-evaluating their marriage and creating new, long-standing commitments. Pascha has been through her own -very difficult- divorce and brings that compassion and understanding to her practice as well as her retreats and workshops. She understands the complexities of divorce, both professionally and personally.
Pascha is a firm believer in mediation and collaboration and will work with you and your spouse/partner, to develop mutually acceptable agreements.
Pascha is now also offering educational and healing Workshops and Retreats. Please visit her website for updates on these special offerings.
*Certified by the California State Bar Board of Legal Specialization

“Thank you, Pascha, for what you helped us to accomplish. I keep reflecting on how you helped us come to a complete agreement. At one point I thought our case was a lost cause, and then 45 minutes later, it was done. Your expertise and presence are awe-inspiring and I am so thankful to you.”